February 2019 visit

Naša draga Nana Seida! Često svratimo kod nane da je obradujemo.

Danas smo joj odnijeli prehrambeni i higijenski paket kao i lijekove za narednih 6 mjeseci upotrebe.

June 13 ·

Ramadan/Eid Packages

We visited Grandma Seida who lives with her daughter and grandson who lost his father in 2012. This Grandma is light to the soul. If you are ever in a bad state visit her and I guarantee that she will cheer you up and brighten your day with his kindness.Today, we brought food and hygiene products and Grandmother will get new bed because this one where she sleeps is falling appaart. She needs it to rest her weary bones and to get some sleep.